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The news section provides a regularly updated comprehensive overview of all corporate news and TRA-related activities.
June 27, 2024
TRA Experts participated in the Fourth Regional Arab Internet & Telecom Union (ARISPA) Conference
On June 13, 2024, TRA Engineers, Said Haidar and Manal Shihab took part in the Fourth Regional Arab Internet and Telecom Union (ARISPA) Conference, titled "Bridging Tomorrow: From Cybersecurity to Cloud Computing"...
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June 14, 2024
TRA Market and Competition Unit Tariffs Manager speaks at the Regional Forum for International Day of Girls in ICT
On May 12, 2024, Ms. Carole Hage, took part in the regional forum organized by the Iraqi Communications and Media Commission in collaboration with the Arab Regional Office of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ...
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May 16, 2024
TRA/ITU-D Now workshop promotes work/life balance
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Lebanon, represented by Mrs. Carole Hage, and in collaboration with the Arab Chapter of Network of Women in ITU-D, organized an online workshop on "Work/Life Balance" on May 7th in the framework of the Girls in ICT celebration...
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May 02, 2024
TRA Expert empowers young girls in ICT careers journey
On March 29, 2024, Eng. Manal Shihab, TRA Senior Software and Cybersecurity Expert, was invited by Ogero and the International Telecommunications Union, as a tech woman role model speaker to pass her knowledge to young girls in schools and highlight the importance of the critical need for strong female ...
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March 21, 2024
TRA Senior Software Expert's Intervention at the 3rd ACT Steering Committee
Eng. Manal Shihab - TRA Senior Software Expert, and member of the ACT Inter-Ministerial committee, participated in the 3rd ACT Project Steering Committee (ACT PSC) meeting that was held at the Grand Serail on March 12, 2024....
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April 28, 2023
TRA Senior Software Expert participates in the 2nd ACT Steering Committee
On March 27, 2023, the ACT Project Steering Committee (ACT PSC) held its 2nd committee meeting at the CITEA Hotel, Beirut for the purpose of presenting the Strategic Progress Report 2022-2023 for the Advance Counter Terrorism for Lebanon Security Project...
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April 11, 2023
TRA Market and Competition Unit Tariffs Manager attends the World Mobile Congress 2023 in Barcelona
Mrs. Carole Hage, Tariffs Manager in the Market and Competition Unit at the TRA, represented the Authority at the World Mobile Congress that was held on February 27-March 2, 2023, in Barcelona...
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March 07, 2023
TRA Senior Software Expert selected to represent the Authority at LMAG
Eng Manal Shihab, Senior Software Expert at the TRA, was selected on March 1st to join the Lebanese Multistakeholder Advisory Group (LMAG) for 2023 and be part of the organizing committee for Lebanon Internet Governance Forum (LIGF) 2023...
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November 24, 2022
TRA experts participate in SOPs for cybersecurity trainings and draft TRA’s first SOPs for Managing a Cyber Crisis under the mandate of the National Cybersecurity Committee
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) allow cybersecurity teams to find the most effective workflow for different types of cybersecurity events. ...
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July 18, 2022
TRA Spectrum Manager presents 6G challenges at MENA Spectrum Management Conference
The MENA Spectrum Management Conference held in Tunisia on 30 June - 1st of July following the 29th Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG) meeting, brought together international industry experts, operators, standardization bodies and regulators...
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