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Type approval
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Type approval
According to the Telecommunications Law (Law 431 / 2002), the TRA is legally mandated to develop and implement a Type Approval Regulation for telecommunications equipment. The purpose of the Type Approval regime is to ensure that the telecommunications equipment:
  1. does not cause damage to, or interfere with the correct working of a public telecommunications networks;
  2. does not cause harm to the general public or staff working on public telecommunications networks;
  3. does not generate electromagnetic disturbance exceeding the level above which RTTE or other equipment cannot operate as intended; and that
  4. radio equipment makes efficient use of the radio spectrum.
Accordingly, all telecommunications terminal equipment which directly connect to a public telecommunications network and all intentional emitters of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) shall be subject to the Type Approval Regulation issued by the TRA. Such equipment shall be referred to collectively as Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE).

Similarly, Network Infrastructure Equipment (NIE) (e.g., Class 4/5 switches, MSCs, BSCs, transmission equipment, etc.) is also subject to the authorizations stipulated in the Service Provider (SP) license and must meet the TRA network technical specifications or recommendations. However, NIE does not follow the RTTE Type Approval regime.

For more information on type approval, please click on the links below.
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