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Offers and Tariffs
The following engine has been designed to help consumers find the right telecommunications services in the Lebanese market to correspond with their demands and expectations. This engine uses criteria such as service provider, topology, bandwidth requirement and/or price, to match the exact service(s) required by the consumer with current telecommunications offerings.

What type of telecom service do you need?

Alfa's mobile prepaid tariffs explained

While the information contained herein is believed to be accurate as at the date mentioned, it is published for indicative purposes only and cannot be construed as reflecting the opinion of the TRA on the listed prices and tariffs. In particular, the TRA has relied, in the preparation of this section, on information gathered from network operators/service providers/relevant websites prior to the conduct of its own investigation or audit of the information so gathered. No representation or warranty, is or will be given by the TRA as to the accuracy, completeness, veracity or fairness of such information. The TRA is not responsible or liable for the accuracy or sufficiency thereof or for any errors, or misstatements, relating thereto.
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