In order to ensure competition, transparency, and non-discrimination, the TRA issued, the
Interconnection regulation after a period of consultation. The Interconnection Regulation is meant to:
- guide operators when negotiating interconnection agreements;
- ensure that the tariffs reflect the cost of providing the service;
- set principles for dispute resolution.
This Regulation has been drafted with the vision of introducing full competition in the fixed and mobile telecommunications sectors in Lebanon. The Regulation is also intended to guide service providers with
Significant Market Power (SMP), including Liban Telecom - and until such time as Liban Telecom is established, the Republic of Lebanon acting through the Ministry of Telecommunications (MoT) and Ogero - in the preparation of a Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO). The RIO will serve as the basis for the negotiation and execution of interconnection agreements between service providers.
The Interconnection Regulation is a binding Regulation that states the official policies and procedures of the Authority during its period of validity. It may be subject to review and amendment periodically as deemed necessary by the Authority in light of the development of the Lebanese telecommunications markets, changes to Lebanese national laws affecting the telecommunications sector, or other factors.