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Investment institutions
The investment climate in Lebanon is one of openness, with a number of government initiatives in recent years designed to facilitate investment and private sector growth. The following is an introduction to useful resources for investors in the telecommunications sector.

  • IDAL
    IDAL was established in 1994 by a decree from the Lebanese Council of Ministers to spearhead Lebanon's investment promotion efforts. On August 16, 2001, IDAL's role was reinforced by the enactment of the Investment Development Law 360, regulating investment promotion of domestic and foreign entities and striving to stimulate Lebanon's economic and social development as well as enhance its competitiveness.

  • Kafalat
    Kafalat is a Lebanese financial company with a public concern that assists small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to access commercial bank funding. Kafalat helps SMEs by providing loan guarantees based on business plans / feasibility studies that show the viability of the proposed business activity. It processes guarantee applications for loans that are to be provided by Lebanese banks to SMEs operating throughout Lebanon.

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