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Market reports
The market reports section provides online access to research, consultancies and studies that facilitate understanding of the telecommunications market and industry.

An in-depth market assessment is currently being undertaken by the TRA with the assistance of Frontier Economics (under the EU funded project). The main objectives of this market assessment are:
  • Review existing work on the provision, development, outlook and gaps of Lebanese telecommunications services
  • Analyze effect of liberalization on tariffs
  • Review market survey and consumer satisfaction survey
  • Identify telecom liberalization strategy, roadmap and service liberalization priorities
The main findings will be made available on the website once the assessment is completed. These will provide:
  • A general overview of the current state of the telecommunications market in Lebanon. This section is based on data provided from major service providers (mobile, fixed and data), as well as analysis undertaken by international information providers.
  • A detailed assessment of the current situation in the three telecommunications markets (fixed telephony, mobile telephony and data communications).
  • Analysis of the take-up and retail prices in Lebanon compared with regional markets as well as a set of other countries with similar telecommunication and macro-economic indicators or ‘best practice’ countries with respect to telecommunication regulation.
  • Assessment of the impact of liberalization of tariffs based on case studies.
  • Short and long term recommendations developed to enhance competition in the sector and consumer welfare.
To view the Findings of the market study, click here
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