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Online Surveys
TRA Website Questionnaire
1 - Are you Male or Female?

2 - Which age group do you fall under?

3 - What is your occupation in the telecommunications industry?

4 - Where do you browse this website from?

5 - If you answered other to the previous question, where do you browse this website from?

6 - How often do you visit this website?

7 - Do we provide the kind of content that you would expect to find on our website?

8 - In your opinion, is the content updated often enough?

9 - Do you find the content too long, too short or just right?

10 - Which part of the site do you find most useful / interesting?

11 - Is there any information which you would like to see added to our website?

12 - If you answered yes to the previous question, which information would you like to see?

13 - Would you use this website in future as your first choice whilst searching for regulatory telecommunication information in Lebanon?

14 - The horizontal and vertical navigation consists of a main menu at the left and top side of the website, a site search facility and hyperlinks which can be found within each page. Do you find the navigation useful or confusing?

15 - Do the links on the site make it easy to predict where you will end up next?

16 - Have you ever felt lost when trying to find information on the website?

17 - Is information in the site well organized?

18 - Have you ever failed to find information that you were looking for?

19 - If you answered Yes to the previous question, which information could you not find?

20 - If you have further comments about the navigation, please enter them here:

21 - Our new design aids accessibility and minimizes download times. Do you find the current site appealing?

22 - What do you think of the text size?

23 - Do you find the general download times for our pages acceptable?

24 - Do you think that the balance of graphics and text on the site is generally OK, or would you like more or fewer graphics?

25 - We will try to ensure that our information is accessible to everybody. Do you have any problems accessing our current information, particularly in the other formats that we sometimes use, such as Adobe Acrobat?

26 - If you use a screen reader or other access technology do any particular aspects of our site cause you problems?

27 - If you answered Yes to the previous question, what problems do you encounter?

28 - If you have further comments about the design, please enter them here:

29 - If you have any further comments or suggestions about the content, navigation or website design, please enter them here:

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