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Producers of products such as personal computers, networking equipment, bigger disk drives, and related mechanisms would add to their benefits as broadband prompts greater demand for these devices. Improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction, more effective management, increased revenue streams, and reduced costs of doing business are some of the benefits of doing E-business. New opportunities outside the geographic scope of their business become possibilities when the technology to communicate, receive, send, and distribute is there through broadband. Corporations can create and find new markets. Better management-employee communication is a product of the service; more timely information is available as the staff can be reached through electronic bulletin boards, email and videoconferencing. Companies can reply to colleagues and customers more timely and reliably.  Studies have shown that telecommuting allows for greater productivity and quality in the workforce. This is where employees perform their duties from home or somewhere other than the office. They use telecommunications or computers. Employees can be up to 50% more productive according to studies conducted by IBM Canada. This way, cost of office space is also reduced because less is needed. In addition, with telecommuting, the amount of absenteeism is said to be cut by 20%. Anywhere from 10 to 50% can be saved when using web-based customer-service functions.


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