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News > TRA Expert empowers young girls in ICT careers journey
TRA Expert empowers young girls in ICT careers journey
May 02, 2024

On March 29, 2024, Eng. Manal Shihab, TRA Senior Software and Cybersecurity Expert, was invited by Ogero and the International Telecommunications Union, as a tech woman role model speaker to pass her knowledge to young girls in schools and highlight the importance of the critical need for strong female role models in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers. It was a full day of inspiring talks followed by a tour to visit Ogero's Technical Directorate, the Data center, and Supercomputer.

Eng. Shihab shared her knowledge and experience with all the young girls who are looking forward to embarking on a journey in the STEM fields. She advised the young girls in celebration of the "Girls in ICT" day: "Follow your passion, surround yourself with a good support system and KEEP LEARNING."

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