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News > The Arab Regulators Network (AREGNET) Recommends the Reduction of pan-Arab Roaming Rates
The Arab Regulators Network (AREGNET) Recommends the Reduction of pan-Arab Roaming Rates
April 18, 2008

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) participated in the Arab Regulators Network (AREGNET) meeting held in Bahrain on the 8th of April 2008, where the Authority issued a crucial recommendation related to pan-Arab roaming rates.

The Chairman of the TRA, Kamal Shehadi, mentioned that AREGNET members recognized the necessity of reducing pan-Arab roaming rates and called operating companies in Arab countries to put forth their suggestions in this regard before the 24th of April.

In the event where the cooperation of operating companies was not satisfactory, AREGNET recommended that each Regulatory Authority would be issuing decisions and regulations aiming at the reduction of pan-Arab roaming prices and taking into consideration the macro-economic framework and applicable laws and regulation of every country.

Dr. Shehadi stated that “the main objective behind roaming tariffs reduction is directly linked to tourism and trade exchange among Arab Countries as well as the provisioning of reasonable prices for Arab citizens”. He added: “this is the first time where Lebanon participates in the AREGNET meetings since it started its operations in 2003. Based on its internal policy, the main mission of the network is to coordinate and promote exchange of best practices and consultations between different Arab Authorities.”

In addition to the roaming rates topics, the meetings held in Manama focused on two other issues: consumer protection and the impact of telecommunications on the environment. The network promoted the exchange of expertise between members in regard of consumer rights, environmental laws and the effect of the telecommunication services on the environment.

Thirteen Arab regulatory authorities attended the meetings as well as representatives of the Ministry of Telecommunications in Syria and Libya. The meetings were presided by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Bahrain. Next meeting will be held the forthcoming June in Tunisia.

To view the Recommendation of the Arab Regulators’ Network on the international mobile roaming rates applied among Arab countries click here

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